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A thriving world is our goal. It is also why we innovate.


Research in Regenerative Agriculture

Sanitation First is currently carrying out a research study in the use of
ecosan compost, urine and biochar in regenerative agriculture in partnership with TNAU, India.


Hear about our impact directly from the people we work with

Ranjitha, Mathuranthaganallur

"My school had the first ever ecosan toilet and I was so excited to use it. When I got married, was shocked to find my house did not have a toilet. I refused to go to my husband’s house till a toilet was built. Thanks to Sanitation First we now have a toilet and my husband’s family has learnt the value of it."

Ranjitha, Mathuranthaganallur,
Jayshankar, Kundiyamallur,

“I had my toes amputed due to an accident. Over time, I developed gangrene and water used to ooze out when I tried to balance my weight and walk. So I needed assistance to find a secluded spot to defecate and did not eat during the day when my wife was away due to this. With an ecosan at home, I eat well and use the toilet independently. Thanks to Sanitation First for helping me regain my dignity and live a normal life.”

Jayshankar, Kundiyamallur,
Vaitheeswari, Nathamedu

"This new toilet with ramp and handrail is a life changer. Previously, my disability forced me to crawl over rough terrain to defecate, which compromised my dignity and caused knee abrasions, making me prone to infections. Now, I feel independent and safe."

Vaitheeswari, Nathamedu
Jeyalakshmi, Parent

"As a mother of a child with a heart condition, it was distressing to leave him here earlier because he often fell ill due to its unhygienic conditions and lack of toilet. However, the upgraded facility is comfortable & secure and my son happily says goodbye when I drop him off each day”

Jeyalakshmi, Parent-
Parthasarathy, Grandfather

"When I first visited this Anganwadi six months ago, it was quite modest. Now, it rivals private play schools in appearance, facilities and services but without the cost. Also, children can stay here until 3 pm with nutrition & education. I convinced my daughter-in-law to admit our grandchild here and the clean and hygienic facilities, open air play area and colorful educational paintings proved it was the best choice for him."

Parthasarathy, Grandfather -
Akilandeshwari, Teacher, ICDS Virudhunagar Dt

"I have been actively promoting soap collection for the soap bank at our center, and the community response has been outstanding, with monthly contributions exceeding 20 soaps. Because of this, we introduced soap bank in the nearby primary school by donating our excess soaps. The headmaster and students were thrilled and committed to embracing the soap bank concept for the safety and health of the children."

Akilandeshwari, Teacher, ICDS Virudhunagar Dt,
Dr Kannadasan, Padur PHC,

“As the sole healthcare provider for about 25,000 people across 35 villages, our facility is crucial for all primary healthcare needs. Previously, we lacked a dedicated ward for newborns and mothers. The establishment of a dedicated Birthing Centre has helped us deliver close to a hundred children in the comfortable and healthy environment, which helped our centre stand first in NQAS in the state."

Dr Kannadasan, Padur PHC,

Help us heal the planet

Our work with the planet ensures nourishment and security for everyone