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At Sanitation First India, we believe everyone deserves access to clean water and a safe toilet— driving forces for health, education, and empowerment.


Ecosan & Container Based 

Our urine diverting dry eco-san and container based toilets convert human waste into soil enriching agricultural inputs and what's more - they need very minimal water for use and save over 15 million litres of water per day from being flushed down!

Did you know?

India's first ever school eco-san block and container based toilet system was built by Sanitation First India

DEWAT Systems

Decentralised Wastewater Treatment Systems convert human waste into 99.99% pathogen free water that can be reused for flushing, cleaning or kitchen gardens!

The system has a set of settler tanks and a reed bed gravel filter that naturally convert waste into clean water.

Technical Assistance to 
Jal Jeevan Mission

Sanitation First has partnered with UNOPS as part of the Indo-Denmark Green Strategic Partnership to provide capacity building, management and support to the Jal Jeevan Mission Project of the Government of India in the two aspirational districts of Tamil Nadu - Virudhunagar and Ramanathapuram.

Safe Drinking Water

Equitable access to safe water and sanitation is a key human right and Sanitation First has been providing sustainable terracotta water filters in Government schools and Anganwadis that require minimal maintenance and go a long way in enhancing the health and growth of the children.

Water body Restoration

Water bodies serve as local storage increase groundwater levels and when maintained well can be a perennial reservoirs that source of clean drinking water

Sanitation First has been working with communities in rejuvenating water bodies to preserve scarce water resources, and maintain ecological balance and aquatic biodiversity.


Hear about our impact directly from the people we work with

Nirmala, Primary school Teacher, Chennai,

“Our school serves nearly 60 children, and previously, we lacked safe drinking water. Thankfully, our situation has improved significantly since we received Terrafil water filters and our children and are really happy.”

Nirmala, Primary school Teacher, Chennai,
Viji, Masimanagar,

“Previously, women and girls here had to defecate in the open, facing dangers from animals and harassment from people hiding in the bushes, especially under the worse conditions of the rainy season with knee-deep floods. Now, with access to proper toilets, we are free from the fears of open defecation and can feel safe from both human and animal threats. This change has greatly improved our dignity and quality of life.”

Viji, Masimanagar,
Jayshankar, Kundiyamallur,

“I had my toes amputed due to an accident. Over time, I developed gangrene and water used to ooze out when I tried to balance my weight and walk. So I needed assistance to find a secluded spot to and did not eat during the day when my wife was away due to this. With an ecosan at home, I eat well and use the toilet independently. Thanks to Sanitation First for helping me regain my dignity and live a normal life.”

Jayshankar, Kundiyamallur,

Help bring clean water and safe sanitation to people in need

Our WASH work provides people with health, safety and privacy