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What it means to sponsor a project

By sponsoring a project, you’ll bring clean water, safe toilets and menstrual education to an entire community or school. On average, projects start at £10,000 and can cost up to £50,000 or more depending on the location and project type. Once you’ve made your gift, a member of our team will be in touch to decide on an appropriate project. If wanted, we’re here to keep you updated with the work you’re making happen and notify you of the key impact your sponsorship is having.

Some of the life changing projects our sponsors have carried out!

Vaitheeswari, Nathamedu

"This new toilet with ramp and handrail is a life changer. Previously, my disability forced me to crawl over rough terrain to defecate, which compromised my dignity and caused knee abrasions, making me prone to infections. Now, I feel independent and safe."

Vaitheeswari, Nathamedu
Bhavana, Murungapakkam,

"One evening, while heading to an open field to defecate, a man approached me, and I had to run for my life. Thankfully, my parents and neighbors heard my screams and caught the perpetrator. This incident deeply affected our family and my mother reached out to Sanitation First. Their response was swift—they installed a GroSan toilet in our community. Now, I feel safe and love our new toilet. "

Bhavana, Murungapakkam,
I Mary Jessi, R C Primary School

“After I learnt the right technique and importance of handwashing through the Sanitation First personal hygiene training, I thought it was important to teach my mentally challenged brother too. Now, he knows and remembers to wash his hands at critical times. Sanitation First has recognized me as a Hygiene Champion I am so happy”

I Mary Jessi, R C Primary School
Chitra, Sanitation Worker, Tiruvallur,

“As a care taker of a physically challenged spouse and bread earner of the family, I get stressed often. I lose my temper and come across as a bad person. But the counselling session helped me learn anger management. I am extremely thankful to Sanitation First for the counselling sessions”.

Chitra, Sanitation Worker, Tiruvallur,
Nirmala, Primary school Teacher, Chennai,

“Our school serves nearly 60 children, and previously, we lacked safe drinking water. Thankfully, our situation has improved significantly since we received Terrafil water filters and our children and parents are really happy.”

Nirmala, Primary school Teacher, Chennai,
Viji, Masimanagar,

“Previously, women and girls here had to defecate in the open, facing dangers from animals and harassment from people hiding in the bushes, especially under the worse conditions of the rainy season with knee-deep floods. Now, with access to proper toilets, we are free from the fears of open defecation and can feel safe from both human and animal threats. This change has greatly improved our dignity and quality of life.”

Viji, Masimanagar,